Connecting with your team…

I drive a pickup truck. It's not for everyone, but I like it. Where I live, when I pass a car on the road, it's just another car. But, when I pass a pickup truck, there's a good chance we might wave at each other. Why? Because we're both driving trucks, of course! Now, if we … Continue reading Connecting with your team…

How To Do Employee Evaluations…

Employee evaluations can be somewhat daunting for managers and leaders. However, they can be one of the most effective tools in leading others. I believe there are some critical points to remember when completing these important tasks. 1. Evaluations should be the follow-through to what is already being taught and expected of an employee. Many … Continue reading How To Do Employee Evaluations…

If it’s worth saying…

How many times have you had someone approach you to complain about something someone else has done? How many times have you engaged in it? Maybe you're the one who instigated it. Whether it's a business, a marriage or any other organization, gossip and backbiting is destructive. If you want a surefire recipe for disaster, … Continue reading If it’s worth saying…

“I was wrong…”

Being wrong about something is part of life. In leadership, it's no different. However, many times leaders can't -- or won't -- admit they are wrong. Some have difficulty believing they could ever be wrong about anything. Others cannot admit mistakes due to their pride. Still others may simply believe it's a sign of weakness … Continue reading “I was wrong…”